Tilted Work Plane (TWP) for 3+2 machining, High Speed Smooth (TCP) to cut a plane with the side of a tool using center point control, and AICC-2 200 Blocks Look Ahead for better control Contouring are just a few of the advanced machine operations. The tilt and rotate axes (A and C) are provided by a Lehmann five-axis table, while the 10,000-rpm BBT30 spindle is serviced by a 21-tool automated tool changer. The Fanuc ROBODRILL provides five-axis simultaneous milling on three linear axes with travels of 500, 400 and 330 mm (X, Y and Z).
In fact, the package includes a state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 production cell with Ethernet connections and Ethernet software support as standard. Previous Fanuc training packages used independent industrial robotics and collaborative robotics technology. Package includes a state-of-the-art Industry 4.0 production cell, including Ethernet ports and Ethernet software support as standard. Trainees can receive hands-on experience programming and operating CNC machine tools, as well as state-of-the-art robots, at the ROBODRILL Educational Cell. Developed in conjunction with several leading industry partners, the ROBODRILL educational cell brings automated CNC milling to the training market at a competitive price.

Fanuc is launching its latest educational package, which combines a vertical machining center with a CRX-10iA collaborative robot.